The Federation of Asia-Pacific Aircargo Associations (FAPAA) was formed in 1985 and has grown steadily to now include 19** countries and/or regions within the Asia Pacific Region, namely: Australia; Bangladesh; Brunei; Hong Kong, China; India; Indonesia; Japan; Korea; Macau,China; Malaysia; Nepal; New Zealand; Pakistan; Philippines; Singapore; Sri-Lanka; Chinese Taipei;  Thailand .

FAPAA was created to provide a body focused on the particular needs of the members of it’s constituent Country and/or Region Associations and to enhance the growth and development of Aircargo services within the Asia – Pacific.

Please click here to see the full details.


To promote, protect and develop the Air Cargo Industry of the Asia-Pacific Region in line with its stated primary objectives



  • To foster closer relationships amongst the various recognized air cargo associations and their members.
  • To provide members with information updates affecting the air cargo business in the region.
  • To provide support and assistance to members of FAPAA in dialogue with Governments, Carriers and relevant bodies.
  • To provide assistance to develop suggested standards and practices to be maintained by Members.
  • To raise funds for all or any of the purposes of FAPAA by means of subscriptions; levies on members, donations, appeals and such other means as the Executive Council may from time to time think fit.
  • To provide a support mechanism to share information and experience in new systems & technology.
  • To examine appropriate Training and Education programs and provide assistance to members.
  • To maintain & develop healthy relationships with like Associations.
  • To maintain & develop effective public relations through appropriate media outlets and maintain a website to disseminate various relevant information to the membership.
  • To assist the membership wherever possible within our Memorandum and Articles of Association (M & A).


FAPAA is very conscious of the need to keep in touch with activities in other parts of the World and as such maintains regular dialogue with other regional and global representative freight forwarding organizations. We frequently liaise with these bodies to promote and develop the mutual interests of our membership.


  • IATA (International Air Transport Association – representing the majority of World Airlines)A vital role for FAPAA as our members must, by nature of their business, have productive working relationships with the Airlines to streamline movements. Also as countries or regions examine and request implementation of CASS (Cargo Account Settlement systems), the shared experience of those with such systems assists new entrants.
  • FIATA: International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations (the World representative body for the Forwarding Industry). FAPAA and FIATA maintain a regular dialogue to ensure issues raised at the Asia Pacific level are communicated and discussed at a global level,


Relevant application forms are available to organizations wishing to join and who meet the criteria of one of the following membership categories
  1. ‘ORDINARY’ Membership:
Membership is available to those organizations conducting business as International Airfreight Forwarder Representative Associations of a country or region within the Asia-Pacific and whose application is approved by the Main Board of the Federation. The following are NOT eligible for ordinary membership (see below)
  • Freight Forwarders
  • Airfreight Training organizations
  • Airlines
  1. INDUSTRY ‘ASSOCIATE’ Membership
The Executive Committee may admit to ‘Industry Associate Membership’ such organizations, as the Committee shall determine from time-to-time. Such entities would, by necessity be Freight Forwarding organizations within the Asia-Pacific who are current financial members of the National Association member of FAPAA.

The Council may permit freight forwarding companies and other relevant entities to apply for Corporate Associate Membership’ status. Such entities would, by necessity, be organizations within the Asia-Pacific who may have relevance to our Industry and may provide services or be in need of information which by the use thereof may assist our Industry and its membership.


Communicating is facilitated primarily by email to each member through their Secretariat offices and/or nominated contact. Members will also be able to access an increasing range of information and services through the FAPAA Web Site. General publicity of FAPAA member activities is also published in a dedicated section of Payload Asia magazine, based in Singapore.

FAPAA Email Address: ifcbaano@ifcbaa.com

FAPAA Website Address: www.fapaa.net



FAPAA can organize training in regulatory and non-regulatory programs in airfreight related matters. The relevant courses and Instructors are sourced from within the training programs operated by its own Country or Region members and /or other appropriately accredited sources. The courses will have achieved the highest accreditation standards possible and programs are constantly under review. In addition, specific courses of instruction can be tailored to meet member needs and requests.


The Federation has an Executive Council comprising two elected representatives from each member country or region, who would also be a current serving committee member of their own Association. The nominated representatives may change upon notice given by the respective Association. On the biennial of each AGM, four persons shall be elected by the Council members (one per elected country, or region) to serve on the ‘Main Board of Officers’ for a further two-year term. The Officer positions of the Main Board are: Chair; Vice-Chair; Honorary Secretary; Honorary Treasurer. In addition, the Immediate Past-Chair is invited to serve the Main Board in an ‘ex-officio’ capacity. The Honorary Auditor (where appointed), is also ex-officio to the Main Board.

As a result of the most recent biennial elections held in Dhaka, Bangladesh, in July 2019, the following countries and persons hold the Main Board and ex-officio positions:

Chair:                                       Philippines – PMTLAI                      (Dorris P. Torres)

Vice Chair:                              Bangladesh – BAFFA                 (Md. Khorshed Alam)

Hon Secretary:                       Indonesia – ILFA                   (Ardani Pratama Yahya)

Hon Treasurer:                       Hong Kong, China – HAFFA        (Gary Lau)

Immediate-Past Chair          Australia – IFCBAA                        (Paul Golland)



The administration and communication matters are handled by a permanent Secretariat Office, currently located in Sydney, Australia. Details as follows: –


c/- The International Forwarders and Customs Brokers Association of Australia (IFCBAA)

Unit 8c, 443 West Botany Street
NSW 2216
Tel: +61 2 9587 1986

Email: ifcbaano@ifcbaa.com

FAPAA Administrator:          Jodie Murray           IFCBAA Australia        jmurray@ifcbaa.com